Spanish fly: The original Viagra
Viagra was not the first; there were others before it too!
Confusing, right? Don’t be, what we are telling you here that the problem that you are facing in your bedroom is not something that has erupted right now it is something that has been there since the beginning of man’s libido or in other words, since a very long time. Spanish fly is known for the arousing effect that it has on the male and female gentile. The two genders react to the effect of this natural aphrodisiac in different ways. In case of the masculine gender, it leads to increased libido in form of longer erections (time duration) and in case of the feminine gender, it leads to more lubrication and an increased state of heightened sexual activity.
There are different ways in which you can use Spanish fly. Men use it by rubbing it onto their sexual organ and it provides them with an irritation that causes more blood to flow to their region and thus allow them to perform for a longer time. In the case of the female, they can take it orally too. It can be mixed with drinks and provided to them or consumed just before a sexual encounter.
The history behind it:
Like everything else on this planet that comes with a name, this too has an origin story. The name comes from the family of a beetle family, the green blister beetle to be precise. This natural aphrodisiac comes from grinding their bodies together and making it into a powder. But make sure that the powder is completely dried off before use. Otherwise, it will not have the desired effect that the person using it has been looking for. It is not the beetle themselves that demonstrate this effect but a particular chemical in their body that makes this possible. That same chemical is being used in modern Viagra and with its help, countless couples are finding their way to a satisfied sexual life that brings overall stability to their life.
If you are looking for some help to amp your bedroom performance then this might be a perfect way out for you. The best thing about it is that it all natural and does not come from any harmful man-made chemical that can later jeopardize your health and cause you to succumb later on in your life.